Stephen Bell
Distinguished Professor, Biology
Distinguished Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
- stedbell@indiana.edu
- 812-856 2331
- Simon Hall 405A
Research Interests
chromosome organization, gene expression and DNA replication
Distinguished Professor, Biology
Distinguished Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Research Interests
chromosome organization, gene expression and DNA replication
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
mechanisms of biofilm formation, horizontal gene transfer by natural transformation, and metabolism in the model facultative pathogen Vibrio cholerae
Professor, Biology
Clyde Culbertson Professor, Biology
Research Interests
attachment, biofilm formation, multicellularity and disease ecology of Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
bacterial multicellular behavior
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
environmental regulation of gene expression in bacteria
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
microbial ecology and evolution
Associate Professor, Biology
Research Interests
multispecies bacterial interactions
Professor, Biology
Director, Microbiology Graduate Program
Research Interests
microbial metabolism and its role in cell physiology, the environment, and biotechnology
Professor, Biology
Microbiology Section Associate Chair, Biology
Research Interests
functional and evolutionary genomics of symbiosis
Associate Professor, Biology
Research Interests
integrons and super-integrons; biofilm formation; c-di-GMP signalling pathways; natural competence; ecology and pathogenesis in the vibrionaceae
Associate Professor, Biology
Research Interests
bacterial cell-cell communication (quorum sensing), gene regulation, bacterial development, microbial genetics and biochemistry
Associate Professor, Biology
Research Interests
chromatin, chromosomes, and genome integrity; genome organization, interactions, and rearrangements; microbial cell biology, genetics, interactions, and environmental responses
Distinguished Professor, Biology
Adjunct Core Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
Research Interests:
cell biology, physiology, and molecular genetics underlying the pathogenesis of the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus); dynamics and regulation of peptidoglycan (PG) cell wall synthesis using single-molecule and high-resolution microscopic, genetic, and biochemical approaches