Introductory experience to a research program. Students who wish to become acquainted with professional-level research activities frequently develop an arrangement with a faculty member which permits the undergraduate student to participate in various aspects of a faculty member’s research program.
Intensive inquiry into a field of study. Students desiring more knowledge about a subject area than is covered by formal lecture or laboratory courses may enroll in X490 for the purpose of expanding their knowledge about a discipline or specific topic.
Preparation for postgraduate study. Students planning to continue their education beyond the B.A./B.S. level often enroll in X490 to prepare themselves for the rigor and routine of laboratory/field/library research activities which occupy the professional scholar.
Fulfillment of Honors Degree requirements. X490 research DOES NOT fulfill an upper-level lab requirement for the biology degree UNLESS it is earned with Biology Departmental Honors. (NOTE: X490 cannot fulfill the Intensive Writing Requirement. A student earning X490 credit in a SPEA lab CANNOT convert that research to a Biology upper level lab, nor will research in a SPEA lab count for Biology Departmental Honors.)
Overall minimum GPA of 2.5 required.
Regular contact with either the faculty member, postdoc, or advanced graduate student in the advising faculty member’s lab who can closely supervise work.
Involvement with directed reading or creative research (not with dishwashing or other menial tasks).