Jim Holland Research Initiative in STEM Education (RISE)

Jim Holland Research Initiative in STEM Education (RISE)

What: The Jim Holland Research Initiative in STEM Education (RISE)—the third-year component to the Holland SEP and SSRP—is a two-week residential research camp designed to provide STEM career and college training for rising high school seniors (students currently in grade 11). RISE scholars attend research-intensive lectures and participate in hands-on activities delivered by university faculty members. You will receive insight into the scientific process, research ethics and goals, leading research questions, and standard methodologies in the faculty members' respective fields.

You will also attend workshops on college planning—covering academic preparation for credit-bearing coursework in STEM, college admission procedures, financial advising, access to existing scholarship programs, and more. Learn how to network within the STEM fields.

RISE scholars will be awarded a $600 stipend upon successful completion of the program.

Who: High school students from varied backgrounds in the 11th grade (entering 12th grade in the fall) who have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2 (non-weighted), are taking/have taken science and math courses, and are interested in a science career.

When: June 15 - 27, 2025

Where: Indiana University at Bloomington. Participants will be housed in a dormitory on the beautiful Bloomington campus.

Application deadline: The application deadline for the 2025 IU Jim Holland Summer Science Programs is Friday, April 11, 2025.

How to apply: A complete application includes student application, parent/guardian acknowledgment, verified courses/grades from counselor, recommendation from science teacher, and recommendation from math teacher.

Cost: All ACCEPTED applicants will be charged a $125, NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee.

Notification: Applicants will be notified of acceptance during the week of April 21-25, 2025; Alternates notified by May 12, 2025.

Registration: You must have received notification of acceptance into the Jim Holland Research Initiative in STEM Education Program (RISE) in order to register. Registration fees are due by May 30, 2025.

Applications are now open!

Apply to the 2025 Jim Holland Summer Science Program.

Open your eyes to the possibilities

A Holland RISE participant had this to say about her experience in the IU Jim Holland summer science program.

It helped me in more ways than one. Being in the program made me ask a lot of questions that I had. I am a first-generation scholar—and, in my culture, no one really went to college or pursued a career in STEM. For me, it was incredibly hard to find any resource to find information on STEM careers as well as in college in general. The program opened my eyes to the possibilities through STEM research as well as to what other sciences existed. Doing the multiple rounds in different labs enabled me to discover what interested me. It helped me understand better how Sciences worked. Honestly, before this program I didn’t even know you could do research as an undergrad. I didn’t even know what research was and that YOU COULD ACTUALLY GET PUBLISHED before GRAD or MD school. This experience definitely changed my life and my course. If I had never been given this opportunity, I wouldn’t have known about all the opportunities. As a first-gen and one of the only people from my community pursuing STEM, this program sparked an excitement from within.