Spring 2025:
Professor Chooi is seeking undergraduates who are interested in being UTAs for L112 for Spring 2025. There are vacancies in two sections of L112. You can choose to apply for one or both. L112 section 1320 and L112 8399. All payroll positions have been filled. Only “for credit” positions remain.
Applicants: Please send Professor Chooi (chooi@iu.edu) the following information by the deadline – November 30, 2024. Late applications may be considered only if vacancies are available.
1. Resume
2. Transcript
3. Course schedule for S2025
4. Completed Application.
Follow the link below to find more information about teaching assistant responsibilities in biology and the application form for these positions.
Teaching Assistants: Undergraduate: Student Portal: Department of Biology: Indiana University Bloomington
Mandatory requirements
1. Attend all course lectures in one of two sections of L112 (8399) – Tu Th 9:35 am - 10:50 am
Or L112 (1320) Tu Th 11:10 -12:25 pm.
2. Conduct one Discussion Group per week (see Schedule online)
3. Help in quiz grading, office hours, and proctoring exams. Applicants must have junior status (or credit equivalent) and a minimum GPA of 3.5.
The following courses will be seeking UTAs :
Course Instructor
BIOL-L 104 Mojonnier, Laura
BIOL-L 111 Darragh, Kathy
BIOL-L 111 Ragsdale, Eric
BIOL-L 112 Chooi,Yean Wai
BIOL-L 112 Berndtson, Amy
BIOL-L 113 Matlack, David/Alissa Anderson
BIOL-L 211 Srivastava, Mansi
BIOL-L 211 Mehta, Sapna
BIOL-L 311 Baizabal, Manuel
BIOL-L 311 Forrester, Wayne
BIOL-L 312 Weaver, Lesley
BIOL-L 318 Anderson, Alissa
BIOL-L 318 Mojonnier, Laura
BIOL-L 376 Hengeveld, Susan
BIOL-M 200 Rowe-Magnus, Dean
BIOL-X 325 Murphy, Megan