Farrah Bashey-Visser
Senior Lecturer, Biology and Human Biology
- fbasheyv@iu.edu
- 812-855-1962
- Biology Bldg. 010
Research Interests
ecology, evolution, microbial interactions and pathogenesis
Senior Lecturer, Biology and Human Biology
Research Interests
ecology, evolution, microbial interactions and pathogenesis
Assistant Professor, Biology
Research Interests
speciation, sex chromosome evolution, evolutionary genetics and genomics, evolution and ecology of insect-fungus symbiosis
Assistant Professor, Biology
Olsen Chair in Evolutionary Biology
Research Interests
evolutionary genetics and genomics, molecular biology, insect pheromones, floral scent, biosynthetic pathways
Distinguished Professor, Biology
Research Interests
evolutionary genetics and ecology; plant reproductive biology
Professor, Biology
Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior Section Associate Chair, Biology
Research Interests
behavioral endocrinology, neuroendocrine-immune interactions, aggression, biological rhythms, seasonality
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
ecology of infectious disease and food web interactions in freshwater environments
Distinguished Professor, Biology
Affiliated with Program in Neuroscience, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, Cognitive Science Program, and Environmental Resilience Institute
Research Interests
behavioral, physiological, and evolutionary ecology; hormones and behavior; avian biology, mating systems and parental care; physiological basis of trade-offs in life histories; adaptation and constraint; avian migration
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
community ecology and evolutionary ecology: how plant populations respond to human-caused environmental change, the ecology and evolution of species interactions, and natural selection in the wild
Assistant Professor, Biology
Research Interests
the role of developmental and behavioral plasticity in adaptive evolution
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
microbial ecology and evolution
Distinguished Professor, Biology
Research Interests
evolution and coevolution; sex, virulence and genetic diversity in host-parasite interactions
Professor, Biology
Research Interests
genetics of speciation and adaptation; comparative genomics; evolutionary ecology; plant reproduction
Professor, Biology
Director, EEB Graduate Program
Science Director, Research and Teaching Preserve
Research Interests
ecosystem ecology and biogeochemistry; consequences of human-accelerated environmental change on plant-soil-microbial interactions
Professor, Biology
Director of Graduate Studies, Biology
Research Interests
ecology; microbial interactions and pathogenesis
Associate Professor, Biology
Research Interests
evolution of behavior; neuroendocrine mechanisms of behavior; physiological mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation; sexual selection; behavioral genomics; behavioral ecology