Below is a quick reference to monetary awards offered by the IU College of Arts and Sciences and the IU University Graduate School.
IU Biology graduate students must submit applications for the awards through the graduate advising office “dropbox.” Watch your email for announcements about the awards and submission deadlines.
In order to give you an idea when to expect application deadlines for the following year’s awards, we have left past deadlines in place until new deadlines are known.
Questions? Contact the IU Biology graduate advising office.
Award | Biology Grad Office Deadline |
Victor Liu Graduate Fellowship: Intended to support graduate students in the Departments of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Biology, or Chemistry whose academic areas of interest may include, but shall not be limited to, chemical biology, microbiology, biotechnology, genetics, genomics, or cell biology. The fellowship is awarded in addition to the student’s pre-determined support package (e.g., SAA for academic year plus $6,000 fellowship). | TBD |
Grant-in-Aid of Doctoral Research (fall competition): Maximum of $1000 awarded per academic year for unusual expenses incurred in connection with doctoral dissertation research; e.g., travel to special libraries or labs, payments to consultants, specialized equipment, and duplication of vital materials needed for writing the dissertation. | 9/30/2024 |
Graduate Pathways Fellowship: Full-year fellowship (or equivalent in partial-year fellowship) for advanced Ph.D. students in the College interested in pursuing a non-academic career. Recipients receive up to $22,000 for the year (or $11,000 for one semester, or $6000 for summer), plus health insurance (and, if necessary, fee remission for research hours), while in an unpaid or underpaid internship that is relevant to a non-academic career path. | TBD |
Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship: Doctoral students receiving this fellowship teach for an academic year at Butler University or one of the Indiana University branch campuses to enhance their career preparation by teaching and experiencing faculty life in a different academic setting. | 10/7/2024 |
College of Arts + Sciences Graduate Student Travel Fall Award: To assist students traveling to and presenting at major national and international conferences. Separate awards for fall and spring. | 10/17/2024 |
Wells Graduate Fellowship: This is a single-year award valued at $42,000, with additional student health insurance, to a doctoral nominee demonstrating the qualities for which Chancellor Wells was renowned: leadership abilities, academic excellence, character, social consciousness, and generosity of spirit. | 10/28/24 |
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship: This fellowship covers the cost of tuition and provides an annual $18,000 stipend for living expenses. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, have an outstanding undergraduate record, and demonstrate financial need. | TBD |
College of Arts + Sciences Dissertation Research Fellowship: This $22,000 fellowship stipend is intended to help advanced graduate students in the College make significant progress on their dissertations. | TBD |
John H. Edwards Fellowship: One of IU’s most prestigious awards, given on the basis of good citizenship and character, especially regarding one’s attitude toward public service and the likelihood of future usefulness to society. | TBD |
Grant-in-Aid of Doctoral Research (spring competition): Maximum of $1000 awarded per academic year for unusual expenses incurred in connection with doctoral dissertation research; e.g., travel to special libraries or laboratories, payments to consultants, specialized equipment, and duplication of vital materials needed for writing the dissertation. | 1/27/25 |
President’s Diversity Dissertation Fellowship: For advanced doctoral students who are completing Ph.D. dissertations. This competition is specifically aimed at graduate students who are underrepresented minorities in their field who have demonstrated academic achievement and show promise of future achievement as scholars, teachers, researchers, or professionals. | 2/10/25 |
John R. and Wendy L. Kindig Fellows Program in the Biological and Chemical Sciences: Open to Ph.D. students who are in the Department of Biology, Chemistry, or Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry and who are in their third year of study at the time of application. | TBD |
Matias L. Ochoada Fellowship: $500 spring award given to a College of Arts and Sciences graduate student with a record of academic excellence; preference given to students of Filipino descent. | TBD |
McCormick Science Grant: Annual $2,500 to the graduate student member of a team whose research, either proposed or in progress, is judged to be most creative, visionary, and innovative. | TBD |
Santosh Jain Endowed Memorial Scholarship: This is a single-year award of $5,000 going to a current international graduate student who has demonstrated commitment to service and education, plans to pursue a service-oriented career, and demonstrates financial need. | 2/24/25 |
Mahler-Wenkert-Heiser Graduate Fellowship: This $2,000 summer award is primarily intended to support students majoring in Biotechnology in the College of Arts and Sciences. | TBD |
College of Arts + Sciences Graduate Student Travel Spring Award: To assist students traveling to and presenting at major national and international conferences. Separate awards for fall and spring. | 3/20/25 |
Educational Opportunity Fellowship: The EOF is a one-year award which includes a $2,500 stipend and a fee reduction. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Student must also be either a first-generation college student or must demonstrate acute financial need. | TBD |
UGS Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award: $5,000 for a “truly outstanding” Ph.D. dissertation. Criteria are originality, documentation, significance, accuracy, organization, and style. | 4/21/25 |
President’s Diversity Travel Award to the Institute on Teaching & Mentoring: The goal of this award is to prepare more underrepresented minority Ph.D. students who seek careers as college faculty. The award provides multiple layers of support—including career counseling, job postings, counseling and advocacy, a scholar directory for networking and recruiting, invitation to attend the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring, and early career support for pre-candidacy doctoral students. | TBD |