Taylor Fellowship

2024 Taylor Fellow: Sannoong Hu

Sannoong is a fourth-year graduate student in the Danthi Lab and is fascinated by how viruses interact with host cells. He is currently studying how cells respond to viruses by killing themselves and also how some cells are unable to die and become persistently infected with virus. The funds will support his summer research and also support him in writing his first-ever manuscript to publish the findings.

2024 Taylor Fellow: Alyssa Zaye Lara

Alyssa is a third-year graduate student in the Newton lab. She studies the molecular basis of how the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia blocks the replication of mosquito-borne viruses.

2024 Taylor Fellow: Nicole Stark

Nicole is a fifth-year graduate student in the Hardy lab. She studies the role of pseudouridine synthases and pseudouridine RNA modifications in alphavirus replication.