Tara Darcy

Tara Darcy

Senior Lecturer, Biology

Director of Undergraduate Environmental Studies, Integrated Program in the Environment


  • Ph.D., Integrative Biology, Michigan State University and the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, 2004


Darcy, T. L.  In press.  Enhancing Graphical Literacy in Introductory Biology Students using the Decoding Disciplines Paradigm. Die Hochschullehre. In English.

Pace, D., R. C. Itow, T. L. Darcy, T. L., D. Chastain, J. Douglas, W. Robison, M. Beam. In press. Decoding Across the High School/College Frontier. Die Hochschullehre. In English.

Courses Taught

L350 - Environmental Biology

L473 - Ecology

L474 - Field and Laboratory Ecology

L104 - Biology of the Senses