- Postdoctoral Research, Vanderbilt University, 2003-2008
- Ph.D., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, 2003

Pranav Danthi
Professor, Biology
Professor, Biology
Simon Hall 015
Danthi Laboratory website
The Danthi laboratory investigates mammalian reovirus. Reoviruses infect a variety of mammals, including humans, and are known to produce neurological disease in young animals. They have also been linked to development of celiac disease. We use these viruses as a versatile experimental system for studies of events at the virus-cell interface. Our recent areas of focus have been (i) the functions of the reovirus protein shell (capsid) in genome protection, cell entry, and regulation of gene expression; (ii) the mechanism by which reovirus is detected by host cells, how reovirus overcomes such recognition, and how these events impact virus-induced cell death; (iii) identification and characterization of proviral and anti-viral host factors. We address these questions using a variety of approaches that span everything from molecular virology and biochemistry to genome-wide screening. To learn more about who we are and what we do, check out our website.
Eukaryotic Cell Biology, Cytoskeleton, and Signaling